To achieve the qualification, within which you can either get a result of Pass, Distinction or Fail, you will be assessed both throughout the period of your apprenticeships, as well as in the final stages with an End Point Assessment (EPA).
End Point Assessment
The EPA period will only start once the employer is satisfied that the apprentice is consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational standard.
In addition, the apprentice must have completed the following gateway requirements prior to beginning EPA:
The End Point Assessment process which typically takes 3 months and is carried out by Highfields, consists of two components:
Resourcing Project Assignment:
This assignment is remote, and the learner will be required to submit their work online, in the form of a written assignment. The assignment will include the composition of a job advert from information provided by the AO. There will be three supplementary questions to answer following on from this job advert.
Professional Discussion:
The professional discussion will be a structured interview between the assessor and learner, where the knowledge skills and behaviours in Business Development, Candidate Management and Compliance are assessed.
The combined score of these two methods will provide the final grade for the apprenticeship.